Exploring home prices and incomes
Excel | QGIS
| Illustrator | InDesign
RESEARCH QUESTION How have US home prices increased as compared to household
incomes? A simple enough question, but not without nuance...
SINGLE FAMILY HOME PRICE Reflective of sale prices for single family
homes and does not include multi-family properties, condos, or co-ops - inevitably limiting the
available data for urban areas.
HOUSEHOLD INCOME Does not take into account the number of people living
in one household, thus neglecting to address that one person living on an income of $50,000 has very
different circumstances than someone supporting a family of
four on that same income.
GENDER AND RACE Incomes are inclusive of all genders and races, and as
such, fail to reflect how both gender and race impact incomes.
MSA A Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), as determined by the US Office
of Management and Budget, is a region that consists of a city and surrounding communities that are
linked by social and economic factors, ranked in order of highest population.
IT'S PERSONAL The story of home ownership in America is far too
complicated for any line graph to fully tell. In an effort to capture some of the nuances of the
story, I've
included personal data on the home I grew up in.